icomm | Dev
Developers portal
In this portal, you will find documentation for our API's that you can easily implement.
This document will provide instructions on how to quickly work with contacts, profiles and results by using HTTP application programming interface.
This process allows icomm to process on a daily basis the purchase orders generated in POS, offline and online stores, obtaining more than 75 indicators that can be used in the dynamic segmentation and automation processes.
Sending emails through icomm is straightforward. In this document, you will find all the operations, schema definitions, and syntax of the templates supported by our transactional API.
Create professional and visually stunning forms in just three easy steps. Send them to your clients via email, Facebook, or WhatsApp, and analyze the results in real-time.
The WebHooks service allows you to keep the state of your contact lists synchronized with your CRM, avoiding the need to constantly invoke the API to check for updates on contact removal and/or bounce.
Self-integrated solution that allows for personalized and segmentable SMS campaign management. Use all the data from the omnichannel ecosystem to create hyper-customized mailings.

icomm 2024